Maxwell Dodd
About Me
I graduated with a bachelor's in computer science from Western Washington University and currently work as a software engineer at Expleo, a technology consulting service provider where I deliver robust and professional solutions with integrity
I also enjoy playing and thinking about games of all kinds and following my curiosity.
I am currently living in Wolfsburg Germany.
Experience & Projects
Software Engineer at Expleo
I have been a Software Engineer at Expleo since 2023 where I have worked on variety of projects in the automotive industry.
During my time I have gained professional experience with:
Creating applications with Visual Studio and C#
Test automation
Working in an Agile team
Clear and concise communication
Machine Learning
In university with the help of a small team working on multiple problems I designed, developed, and trained a machine learning model that, given two sound files of a person speaking, could predict the probability that they are the same speaker. To tackle this problem, I first converted the audio files into spectrograms, which visually represent the frequency spectrum over time. I then used a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn from these spectrogram images. Specifically, I employed triplet loss, which compares an embedding of the spectrogram with two other spectrograms: one from the same speaker and one from a different speaker. This approach allows the model to learn to differentiate between speakers and estimate the likelihood that the two given audio clips belong to the same person.
Human Centered Design
This project I developed at Western Washington University is tool and resource for young adults that feel unprepared to cook for themselves. Our goal was to get users to think for themselves and give them the knowledge to make confident decisions about how and what they eat.
After performing research on the problem, we decided that there were three features we could create that would give young adults confidence in cooking for themselves: Lessons that teach a skill or concept like food categories and how to prepare certain foods, grocery lists with ingredient staples for different genres of food, and a feature to aid users in figuring out what to eat based on their situation.
These features, when used together, will create a learning loop of: Learning and practicing a concept or skill, having a flexible set of ingredients, giving users inspiration for a meal and helping them feel confident making it their own, and improving their enjoyment in the cooking process.
Co-Captain of WWU Sailing
In 2021/22, I served as Co-Captain of the WWU Sailing team, where we fostered a fun and inclusive environment that encouraged learning competitive dinghy racing, building connections in the sailing community, and boosting self-confidence. I built upon the foundation laid by previous leaders, continuing to cultivate a welcoming atmosphere for new sailors while maintaining our competitive edge. This experience has been both challenging and rewarding, helping me grow as a leader. As our club is entirely student-run, I took on key responsibilities such as fleet management, practice coordination, and fundraising, which required effective delegation to balance my academic commitments. Through this, I learned the importance of trust and clear communication in leadership.